Wednesday, December 1, 2010

...and the VERY distant future of technology as a whole...

It is simply mind boggling to imagine a world 50 years from today. In the 1960s, we delt with the civil rights movement, the Cold War, and building our first walk on the moon. By the year 2060 I think augmented reality, cybernetics, and general high reliance on technology in general. Overpopulation will be quite a big problem by then, so I wouldn't be surprised if colonies floating in the sky will become a reality and not just in Gundam. Speaking of which, robotics and other enhancements will probably be the norm in that time. Especially considering that we may be facing some nuclear war as well.

...and the distant future of media technology...

In 15 years time, I truly believe that TV as we know it will be obsolete. With many channels still just sticking to the same tiring reality shows and sitcoms, the internet is creating original content not getting in the hands of corporate suits trying to appeal to the masses/lowest common denominator. I've abandoned TV nearly 4 years ago since the internet appeals to pretty much every niche I like, and more are doing the same. In fact, I think the whole idea of a home entertainment system will be kind of pointless in that time frame. Mobile tech will be at a level which will be more than acceptable to fulfill all our needs, and we'll probably even use cars less often in favor of a better public transit.

The near future of media technology...

In the next five years, I believe that for the most media technology will be mobile and more user based than ever before. Even today, smart phones, laptops, and other handheld devices are on the rise in popularity and showing no signs of stopping. The 25 and younger crowd get most of their important news information through blog post or other independent sources rather than through big broadcasting channels like CNN and BBC. In retrospect, I don't think the next five years will not change too much when compared to today.